How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get?

Bearded dragons are quite popular among reptile enthusiasts because of their easy-going nature, friendly demeanor, and intriguing behaviors. However, if you're going to get one for yourself, there might be some friendly question popping into your mind regarding their growth: How big do bearded dragons get? If you are a new owner, then you must know that size may vary. Their size depends upon various factors related to diet and genetic issues, changes in the environmental scenario, and care provided to them. Here, the discussion will consider in detail related to growth, potential bearded dragon size, what factors influence their size, and some tips to ensure healthy growth.

 Average Size of Bearded Dragons

On average, they measure between 18 to 24 inches long from head to tail for a fully grown bearded dragon. The size may, however, vary exceedingly depending on the species type. Here's a breakdown of the size in inches according to species:

Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps)

· Average Size: 15 to 24 inches

· This is the most common species of these animals kept as pets. The species tends to reach a large size compared to others.

Rankin's Dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni)

· Average Size: 10 to 12 inches

· These are smaller bearded dragons and are sometimes referred to as "dwarf" bearded dragons.

Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata)

· Average Size: 20 to 24 inches

· Native to Australia, they are slightly larger and less commonly kept as pets.

Other Species

· The less known species are usually Pogona minor or Pogona nullarbor which are smaller; most average 12 to 16 inches long.

Growth Stages of a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons throughout their life span, experience different growth stages, Understanding these stages helps owners monitor the development of their pet:

1. Hatchling (0-2 months)

· Size: 3 to 4 inches

· Weight: 4 to 6 grams

· This part of their life is considered the fastest growth period. Hatchlings can grow up to an inch within a week if given proper care.

2. Juvenile (2-7 months)

· Size: 6 to 17 inches

· Weight: 20 to 250 grams

· In this part of life, their growth is still fast if you are meeting their high dietary needs.

3. Adult (12+ months)

· Size: 18 to 24 inches (depending on species)

· Weight: 350 to 650 grams

· At this stage they are at their maximum size and with proper care this size remains consistent.

Factors Affecting the Growth of Bearded Dragons

Several factors will determine your bearded dragon size. Let's look into the details of these factors:

1. Species and Genetics

Your bearded dragon's species will be the biggest factor in their size. As we discussed before, Central bearded dragons are larger compared to Rankin's dragons. Genetics can also vary among members of the same species. If your dragon's parents were really large, then there is a good chance that your pet may inherit the same characteristics.

2. UVB Lighting

Bearded dragons require UVB light for the synthesis of vitamin D3, which in turn is necessary for calcium absorption. Inadequate UVB will cause stunted growth and health problems such as MBD. You need to replace the UVB light every 6 to 12 months depending on their brand or type.

· When placing the UVB bulb keep in mind that it must cover the two third of the enclosure.

· It's always better if the light source is about 10-12 inches away from the basking spot, so that your dragon can absorb enough UVB radiation and doesn’t overheat.

3. Nutrition and Diet

A balanced diet will help bearded dragons grow in a healthy manner. However, as they are omnivorous, they also require both plant and animal proteins.


For juvenile feeding, you have to select high protein food that constitutes mainly from the insects like dubia roach, crickets, and mealworms, as they provide nutrients for high growth rate. You should gut-load the insects prior to feeding it to your dragon in order to increase the nutrition.

Try not feed them insects that are too large as this would lead to impaction. The rule of thumb about feeding is to make sure that no feeding insect is larger than the space between the dragon's eye.

Vegetables and Fruits:

You can also feed them veggies and it must include a mix of leafy greens such as mustard green, collard green, and dandelion greens in their diet. Fruits such as mangoes, blueberries, and strawberries can also be given as a treat but once in a while.

· Never let them have iceberg lettuce; there is no nutritional value in them and it gives them diarrhea.

· When feeding, keep a rotation between fruits and vegetables to maintain the balance of nutritional intake.

Calcium and Vitamin D3:

Vitamin supplementation in their diet is very important. In the absence of calcium and vitamin D3, the bone might not develop properly which may result in the occurrence of metabolic bone disease or MBD thereby causing stunting or deforming growth. Always dust their food with calcium powder  4-5 times a week for juveniles and 2-3 times a week for adults.

4. Habitat and Space

The size of the bearded dragon enclosure can impact significantly in the bearded dragon's size. If your dragon is living in an overcrowded environment, it will lead to stress; this results in a decrease in appetite, hence a slow growth rate.

· Minimum Tank Size:

Hatchlings: 20-gallon tank

Juveniles: 40-gallon tank

Adults: 75 to 120-gallon tank

They need to be provided with enough space to exercise, move around, and explore for the sake of their mental and physical health. Adding rocks, branches, and places to hide will enrich their environment and stimulate natural behavior.

5. Stress and Health

Stress can hinder the growth of a bearded dragon. Some common stressors include:

· Improper handling

· Overcrowded enclosures

· Irregular feeding schedules

· Loud noises or frequent disturbances

If your bearded dragon is under some kind of illness or parasitic issues, growth would obviously be affected. Keep a lookout for any such signs that may be causing diarrhea, loss of appetite, or lethargy in them, for which you can take your vet's advice.

6. Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining proper temperatures is vital for digestion and overall health:

· Basking Spot Temperature: 95°F to 110°F

· Cool Side Temperature: 75°F to 85°F

· Humidity Levels: 30% to 40%

The temperature gradient in the enclosure should always be maintained to regulate their metabolisms for appropriate digestion and absorption of nutrients. The conditions in the enclosure may be monitored with the aid of a digital thermometer and a hygrometer.

How to Promote Healthy Growth in Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons usually reach their total size in approximately one-and-a-half to two years, and here's how you could help them do so:

1. Provide a Balanced Diet

Ensure that you are feeding your bearded dragon the proper mix of vegetables, protein, and supplements. Try to adjust their diet in correspondence with life stages.

· Hatchlings and Juveniles: 80% protein, 20% vegetables

· Adults: 20% protein, 80% vegetables

Try to feed juveniles 2 to 3 times a day and adults once a day or every other day. If there is any uneaten food they remove it immediately to prevent spoilage.

2. Keep a Clean and Spacious Enclosure

A clean environment reduces the possibility of infections. Give them enough space to be able to walk around and explore. Clean up the enclosure periodically by removing the feces and uneaten food; deep clean the habitat monthly.

3. Ensure Proper Lighting and Heating

Invest in higher-quality UVB light bulbs and also a decent-quality heat lamp. Maintain basking spot and cooler side temperature properly. Provide a natural day/night photoperiod by illuminating during 12-14 hours a day and maintaining night time complete darkness.

4. Monitor Growth Regularly

Weigh and measure your bearded dragon monthly to make sure they are growing at a healthy rate. Any huge deviations from the average growth may signify some underlying issue.

5. Regular Veterinary Visits

Schedule regular visits with the veterinary doctor and seek advice on their growth. By regular visits to the vet, early detection of health issues is assured and can prevent stunted growth by improving their living standards.

6. Handle with Care

Gentle and consistent handling would minimize stress and help them learn to trust. Support their full body while handling, and do not make sudden movements or loud noises around your pet.

Signs of Stunted Growth

If your bearded dragon's size and growth are not as what you have expected then look out for the signs below:

· Small size compared to age

· Weakness or lethargy

· Lack of appetite

· Visible deformities

· Weight loss

If you notice any of these signs in your bearded dragon, make sure to consult with your vet immediately. Problems detected at the right time can avoid chronic illness and build up the general health of your bearded dragon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What to do if my bearded dragon isn’t growing properly?

First, if you feel that your bearded dragon is not growing properly and showing any signs of stunted growth, check their diet, UVB lighting, and habitat. Make sure they are getting proper calcium and vitamin D3, if the issue prolongs consult a reptile vet.

How fast do bearded dragons grow?

Bearded dragons grow very fast during the first year of their life. In the early month hatchlings can grow up to an inch in a week. Within 12 months they can reach their full size.

Can bearded dragons outgrow their enclosures?

Yes, as the size of the bearded dragon increases, so should their enclosure size. Hatchlings may be okay in 20-gallon tanks, but adults will need up to 75-120 gallons of space to give them room to grow comfortably.

Is UVB lighting important for bearded dragons?

UVB lighting is very crucial for bearded dragons because it helps in the production of Vitamin D3, which is important for calcium absorption. Without providing UVB, your bearded dragon will have a high tendency to develop Metabolic Bone Disease and other health issues.

How do I know if my bearded dragon is healthy?

A healthy bearded dragon will have a good appetite, bright eyes, smooth skin and show active behavior. Regular shedding and slow growth rates are also indicators of good health.

Are the sizes of male and female bearded dragons the same?

The normal size of male bearded dragons is bigger compared to females.  Male bearded dragon size can reach up to 24 inches, while females usually grow around 20 inches.  

What are common mistakes that affect the growth of bearded dragons?

The most common mistakes that affect bearded dragon growth include poor diet, lack of UVB light, small area, incorrect temperature, and not being able to quickly address stress or health issues.

Is it possible for a bearded dragon to grow bigger than 24 inches?

In rare cases, bearded dragons may grow more than 24 inches, but it is very uncommon and it depends on exceptional genetics and optimal care.

How often should I feed my bearded dragon?

In the juvenile stage of life, they need to be fed 2-3 times a day. Moreover, at this stage, protein-enriched insects will play a major role in the diet. While adults are supposed to be fed every day or every other day, you can mainly focus on vegetables.

What does stress do to the growth of a bearded dragon?

Stress affects a bearded dragon very negatively; it makes them more susceptible by weakening the immune system, suppressing appetite, and hence impeding growth. A quiet environment, proper handling, and minimizing disturbances will help reduce stress.


Bearded dragons can be one of the best pets and, with good care, you may achieve surprisingly large sizes. Their growth factors include species, genetics, diet, environment, and health in general. Knowing what they need and giving the best care will go a long way in making your bearded dragon thrive to its fullest potential. Remember, a healthy and happy bearded dragon is not about the size; it's about the quality of life that you can provide to your scaly buddy.

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