A Guide To Care For Pacman Frog


Are you in search of a cute and adorable little pet, which will be a unique addition to your family? If you are, the Pac-Man frog, also known as the horned frog, will be a great choice for you. Indigenous to the forests of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, these plump amphibians are skilled ambush predators. They hide themselves in the forest floor leaf litter and patiently wait for prey that comes close to them.

In the wild, their brown and green markings give them impeccable camouflage that allows them to stay motionless for a long time and wait for a meal. Their diet is typically varied, including everything from insects and worms to insects, mice, small snakes, and other frogs. Therefore, it is important to house them separately.

The pet trade offers a variety of Pac-Man frog species, and each of them has unique characteristics. The popular choices are the (Ceratophrys cranwelli) Cranwell's Pac-Man frog, (Ceratophrys ornata) Ornate Pac-Man frog, and (Ceratophrys cornuta) Surinam Pac-Man frog. In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about Pac-Man frog care.

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Pacman Frog Enclosure

"While adult Pac-Man Frogs don’t move a lot, it’s important to note that they grow to very large sizes, reaching up to 8 inches in diameter. Consequently, they need spacious frog terrariums with dimensions of at least 60x45cm. Height is not a problem for them because these frogs are basically ground-dwellers and don’t like climbing. However, they do like to burrow, so the substrate must consist of deep soil that gives them the opportunity to do so."


Pacman Frog Substrate

There are different substrates available, so comprehensive research is essential to understand the potential benefits of any plants within the habitat. Incorporating drainage layers, including matting and drainage substrate, can help maintain humidity levels. However, keep in mind that these frogs are skilled at digging and may reach the layers if the soil is not deep enough.

Decorations Of Pacman Frog

To replicate the environment just like their natural habitat, add leaf litter and moss to the Pac-Man frog's terrarium. These small additions not only mimic the natural environment but also contribute to humidity and help reduce stress. The substrate you've added can be replaced, removed, or resoaked to ensure a consistently moist habitat.

To enhance the aesthetic appeal and create a more natural environment, consider placing some artificial plants within the Pac-Man frog's vivarium. This will give the appearance of real vegetation and is also much easier to maintain. Furthermore, natural wood ornaments not only increase the aesthetic appeal but also provide your frog with places to climb and rest.

Trailing plants serve a dual purpose in the frog's vivarium. They not only create a neat, safe environment but also help disguise electrical wires. Most importantly, these plants provide cover for young frogs, making them feel more secure. Such a habitat design will improve the comfort and well-being of your Pac-Man frog.


It’s important to maintain the temperature of the tank because it is crucial for the health of your Pac-Man frog. During the daytime, the temperature should be kept at approximately 82°F, while allowing it to naturally drop to around 78°F at night. This change in temperature at night is important because it mimics a good day/night cycle.

To attain and maintain this temperature level, it's best to use an under-tank heater as the main source of heat. Avoid using overhead incandescent bulbs as they can be excessively drying for your frog. However, in situations where the temperature is too low and you need to provide supplementary heat, you can consider using red incandescent bulbs. They provide the much-needed warmth and emit less drying light

Pacman Frog Lighting 

When you are looking for a lighting source for your Pac-Man frog vivarium, fluorescent fixtures are the best choice. However, you should ensure that these frogs get subdued lighting; even room lighting is sufficient for them. To create a balance between day and night, it is advisable to maintain a cycle of 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light.

Additionally, most owners recommend putting a UVA/UVB light in the enclosure. These lights have very beneficial effects because they provide ultraviolet rays that mimic natural sunlight, which can be very advantageous for the overall health of your frog. However, make sure the duration and intensity of exposure to the UVB light are according to your frog's requirements. It's best to consult with an amphibian or reptile specialist who can help you determine the right amount of light for your pet.


To keep your Pac-Man frog healthy, it’s essential to provide them with an insectivorous diet. This diet must include a variety of items like locusts, crickets, cockroaches, and earthworms. To ensure that your frog gets all the necessary nutrients, it’s important to dust their food with high-quality multivitamin or calcium powder.

Calcium is crucial for bone development, while multivitamins support various body functions. Furthermore, frogs can also suffer from different neurological issues, so it's best to add vitamin A to their diet as it is good for tissue and bone growth. Vitamin A also promotes skin health, vision, and a robust immune system.

You can also give an occasional protein treat to your frog by providing a pinkie mouse, but this should be done carefully. Too much consumption of pinkie mice can lead to an excessive amount of protein and fat, which may exceed your frog's dietary requirements. Feeding your frog a balanced diet is important for their well-being


Taking good care of your Pac-Man frog's health means implementing measures to provide them with high-quality water. It's important to dechlorinate the water before filling water dishes or spraying it on the substrate. This can be achieved using a reptile-safe liquid dechlorinator, which helps in removing harmful chemicals from the water that can be detrimental to your frog's health.

To maintain a tidy and clean environment, it's important to regularly clean the water dishes. Proper cleaning will help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, ensuring your Pac-Man frog has access to fresh and clean water.

Monitoring humidity and temperature is also crucial for the well-being of your frog. To do this accurately, you can use a thermometer to measure temperature and a hygrometer to check humidity levels.

In warm and humid conditions, molds can become a cause for concern. To address this issue, immediately remove any visible growth that appears in the tank. You can also promote a healthier environment by regularly changing the soil in the enclosure and introducing cleaner insects, as they help control mold by consuming it when it grows. This approach will provide a cleaner environment for your frog.

Behavior of Pacman Frogs

Pac-Man frogs are famous for their territorial nature. They can be very aggressive and may bite if another frog enters their vivarium and gets too close to their burrow. To prevent injuries or even death, it is strongly recommended to house only one Pac-Man frog in a tank.

During the daytime, you will usually find your Pac-Man frog burrowed in its substrate. Sometimes you may find them completely buried, or with their heads poking out of the burrow. This behavior is seen when they are content, so creating a suitable burrowing environment is important for their well-being.

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Health problems

The most common health issues affecting amphibians like Pac-Man frogs are fungal and bacterial infections. Any signs of swelling, redness, or pus should be regarded as an infection and treated promptly.

Another major concern for Pac-Man frogs is parasitic infections. If the tank's temperature is optimal but your frog is not eating properly, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to rule out potential causes. Regularly checking your frog's fecal samples can help detect and manage common health problems, including infestations.

While respiratory infections are present, they are not as common in frogs compared to other amphibians. Maintaining good humidity levels in the enclosure is essential to prevent this problem. Symptoms of respiratory infection may include drooling, wheezing, and lethargy.

Additionally, a major concern to watch out for is ammonia poisoning, which can be fatal if the frog's enclosure is not cleaned regularly.

All of these problems are relatively easy to treat if detected at an early stage by your vet. Regularly monitoring their health is important for the well-being of these frogs.


Handling your Pac-Man frog is not something they enjoy, and it should be minimized, only done when necessary, because they have very sensitive skin that can easily absorb toxins. Furthermore, they are also prone to biting, so they can easily harm your hand.

If you want to handle your Pacman frog for any reason, its important to follow proper hygiene practices:

  • Thoroughly wash your hand before handling your frog, make sure there is no perfume, lotion or any fragrance on your hand that can be harmful to them.
  • When you are trying to pick up you frog do it firmly but gently and grasp them behind the hind legs. Those frogs that are not easy to held with one hand, use both hand for them, as you do when holding a ham burger. This method provides a secure grip and minimizes stress in frogs.


How to buy a Pacman frog?

If you're considering buying a Pac-Man frog, you should begin by researching their needs. Look for reputable sellers and exotic pet stores known for their ethical practices. Always inspect the frog's health, checking for bright eyes, clear skin, and activity. Prefer captive-bred frogs over those caught in the wild because they are accustomed to tank environments. Ask questions about the frog's origin, history, and specific requirements.

Ensure that you have all the necessary supplies ready in your home before bringing the frog home. Transport the Pac-Man frog comfortably to its new environment and continuously monitor its health.

How much to feed you Pacman frog?

A helpful guide for feeding your Pac-Man frog is to offer them as much food as they can consume within 15 minutes. Anything left after that time should be removed immediately. As your frog matures, you will notice their appetite gradually decreasing. Typically, adults require feeding every other day, with an occasional treat like a pinkie mouse every two weeks. Pac-Man frogs are enthusiastic eaters and have a strong bite, so to prevent accidental biting, always use tongs when feeding them.

How to breed Pacman frogs?

Breeding Pac-Man frogs involves several key steps. First, ensure you have a compatible male and female. The next step is to create the most suitable conditions for breeding by gradually lowering the temperature and increasing humidity in the enclosure. Introduce the frogs to a warm, shallow, and dechlorinated water source for breeding.

Males make distinctive sounds to attract females, and once the female lays eggs, move them to separate containers. After a few weeks, tadpoles will hatch, and you'll need to raise them separately in an aquatic setup with a different diet. Breeding Pac-Man frogs is a delicate and attentive procedure, so if you encounter any difficulties, it's advisable to consult with a pet expert or a professional breeder.


Pac-Man frogs are excellent pets for first-time owners. They are available in many different colors and are famous for their Pac-Man-like visage. With proper care and habitat, they are probably one of the lowest-maintenance pets in the world. They also have straightforward feeding behavior and are very fascinating to observe. However, keep in mind that Pac-Man frogs are not suitable for those who seek hands-on interaction with their pets due to their sharp teeth and strong bite, which can be quite uncomfortable.

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