Why Do Some Pet Reptiles Need Humidity?

To provide optimal conditions for your reptile pet, keep a close eye on the humidity of your reptile's tank. Misting the cage with a mister can bring the humidity up to an elevated level. Over time, the humidity level will gradually decrease to the room's relative humidity. Daylight bulbs provide heat and ultraviolet wavelengths that help reptiles regulate their internal body temperatures. High humidity also traps heat inside the tank, helping to keep your reptiles warm and comfortable.


Respiratory conditions are caused by too high or too low humidity.


If the humidity level in your reptiles enclosure is too high or too low, they are likely suffering from respiratory conditions. Respiratory conditions can affect your reptile's ability to regulate their body temperature and maintain proper fluid balance. The symptoms of such respiratory conditions can be severe and shorten your reptile lifespan. Your vet can provide several treatments for your reptile respiratory condition.


Which kind of reptiles may need a humidifier/fogger/mister?

  • Snakes
  • Chameleons
  • Iguanas
  • Other lizards originating in tropical regions
  • Some tortoises and turtles
  • Frogs and toads (and other amphibians)


This will all depend on the needs of your species as each reptile has different ideal parameters required by its environment. 

REPTI ZOO Terrarium Humidifier: Best Overall


Vitamin D is required for calcium metabolism.


Reptiles need vitamin D for proper calcium metabolism. Ultraviolet rays from the sun activate vitamin D. It also stimulates the intestinal mucosa to absorb calcium. This process is complex, and the optimal temperature range is different for humans. However, both mammals and reptiles need vitamin D for normal calcium metabolism. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract.


Malabsorption of calcium.


Many types of reptiles suffer from a condition known as malabsorption of calcium. In reptiles, it's common for the skin to produce vitamin D3 after sunlight exposure. Some reptiles can mimic this process in captivity by giving them ultraviolet (UVB) lighting. Reptiles may also obtain vitamin D through their diet. Unfortunately, the lack of scientific information about vitamin D in reptiles can be frustrating for both breeders and reptile owners.


Daylight bulbs provide heat and ultraviolet wavelengths.


Many reptiles thrive in warm, moist environments. However, some types of heat cannot be provided by natural sunlight, and therefore UVB-emitting bulbs are a good option for these creatures. Reptiles require both UVB and UVA rays to thrive. You can buy UVB bulbs at pet and farm stores and some grocery stores. Check store inventories to be sure.


UV light consists of UVA, UVB, and UVC wavelengths. Each type of light has a different role in keeping your pet happy and healthy. while UVB is essential for their health and behaviour. The amount of UVB produced will help you choose the correct bulb for your reptile. Reptiles need a full spectrum of UVB light for good health, so choose one that emits 1.1 per cent or more.  Reptizoo lamps is examples of full-spectrum lamps. Reptiles should be placed at least six inches away from bulbs for safety.

• UVA light helps regulate some behaviors such as feeding, diurnal movement, mating and other activities

• UVB light promotes the synthesis of vitamin D3 and helps in the absorption of calcium.

• Reptiles don't need UVC light, but it can help kill bacteria. It is important to konw that at high levels of exposure, this light can be harmful to most reptiles.


Reptiles control their body temperature by moving around.


Thermoregulation is an important part of reptile behaviour. Although each species has its specific requirements, most reptiles have similar routines that allow them to regulate their body temperature. During the hottest part of the day, many reptiles stay inactive. They may even hibernate during the colder winter months, while others brumate when the temperature falls below their optimal survival level.


The method of maintaining body temperature also aids in digestion.


While we may think of reptiles as cold-blooded creatures, they can regulate their body temperature. Although reptiles produce some heat from metabolism, they cannot make enough of it to maintain their core body temperature. Some reptiles also use shivering to generate heat. It is most commonly seen in snakes incubating eggs.


High humidity traps heat in the tank.


Inhabiting an aquarium with high humidity is not healthy for your reptiles. High humidity traps heat and will lead to mould and fungus growth. You can add more ventilation, remove live plants, or use a dehumidifier to combat this. Keep a

Reptile Terrarium Thermometer Hygrometer near your aquarium to check its humidity levels. If you live in a humid climate, you can try to move your reptile tank to a room with lower humidity.



Housing requirements.


Reptiles require different housing than other species. The yearly cycle of light and darkness affects reproductive success and mate selection in reptiles. While reptiles found in tropical environments do not experience seasonal temperature changes, their daily activity cycles may be affected by changes in light and darkness. If you are keeping reptiles indoors, provide appropriate food and water for them. Also, ensure that the environment is well-ventilated, with no harmful gases.


Some species are naturally shy and require places to hide.


While housing a group of animals of the same species, keep the group to fewer than five. More than four miles in a group can cause aggressive behaviour. Even if you have an experienced reptile owner, consider making a group of compatible species. Highly social species like White's skinks will require separate stations for basking and eating. If possible, keep them separated until they reach breeding age.


Keep the humidity levels at acceptable levels.


The humidity in your room will affect the humidity inside your reptile tank. To lower the humidity in your reptile's environment, open windows and install ceiling fans. Alternatively, you can install an HVAC system. Regardless of what you decide, keep the humidity between thirty and forty per cent. It will keep the humidity levels at acceptable levels. However, if you do not have one, you can buy a portable dehumidifier or purchase a larger one for your entire home.

Proper humidity levels can reduce nervousness.


Reptiles that live in damp conditions may exhibit signs of nervousness. High humidity can cause scale rot. Generally, these conditions result from the overgrowth of bacteria. These bacteria can infect the skin of the reptile and cause fluid-filled blisters. These can occur on any part of the reptile's body. If you notice these symptoms in your pet, consult a specialist veterinarian.


Correct humidity levels are as important as the temperature.


However, the exact humidity levels vary greatly between different types of exotic animals. For example, a Crested Gecko will thrive with a humidity level of 40% to 55%, while a Milk Snake may thrive with a lower humidity level. Knowing the specific needs of your reptile is crucial for its health and longevity. Using humidity and temperature charts is a great starting point for determining the appropriate temperatures and humidity levels. Alternatively, visit an expert at a pet shop who can give you specific recommendations for your pet's needs.



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